Boutique Tiffin is a first of its kind "On Demand Food" Convenience Service where we strive to offer total food solution. Our tasty, healthy, freshest & nutritious - lifestyle food offerings are not just limited to conventional Lunch and Dinner Packs. We have a bouquet of delicious Hunger Kill Options available for your eating fantasies! Our core competence is to prepare home-style food offerings which basically means food which is cooked fresh daily, is moderate on spices and oil, has a daily rotational variety and above all of them has a taste which makes you fond. We are always attentive for customers who have a penchant for food taste, variety and quality. At Boutique Tiffin we offer our customers two sets of options to select from – Tiffins & Ala Carte. Boutique Tiffin takes pride to inform that it is the first operator to launch its "Tiffin Ala Carte" system where a customer has the choice to Top-Up his Tiffin with a wide variety of add-on dishes. Variety is truly the spice of life and this philosophy resonates with us in letter and spirit. We love to speak to our clients to ascertain their personal preferences and serve them accordingly. Our pristine food offerings are prepared with the best of raw materials and handpicked ingredients. All our food preparation is done with the help of RO/UV Treated Water so that there is no risk of any contamination. We serve regular vegetarian & Jain vegetarian food only. We deliver food for FREE at no additional cost.